When most people think about working with an interior decorator, they imagine choosing colors and fabrics from sample and swatch books. While that’s true to an extent, an interior decorator can actually offer much more than basic design and style help.

Universal Design

One of the most important benefits of working with a reputable, skilled interior decorator in Toronto is being able to achieve universal design within your home. If you’re not familiar with the term, it’s actually pretty simple. It’s about ensuring that your home’s interior environment works for you, both today and a decade from now. It’s about creating a whole-home, holistic design that fosters better livability and health for your family, the ideal functionality and comfort, while still protecting the earth.

If that sounds like a tall order to fill, it is. Not all companies offering services as an interior decorator in Toronto can offer universal design, and not all of the firms that claim to can actually deliver. It’s vital that you work with a reputable company with a reputation for providing outstanding results for clients throughout the GTA.

BiglarKinyan offers universal design, and our interior decorating services are second to none. We can also offer whole home renovation and remodeling as well, from your kitchen to the bathroom to that unfinished basement that’s been calling to you to transform it into a family room, game room or “man cave” Call us today to learn more about what we can do for your home’s design. You can reach us at 416-850-9911.

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(416) 850-9911